

ロンドン支店では、SDGs 目標達成に向けて支店職員がアイディアを出し合って様々な活動に取り組んでおります。
The London Branch are excited to share our activities initiated by our Branch members as we endeavour to achieve SDGs targets.

トップ  > ロンドン支店  > Wrap Up London 2024!

Hello from London!

As the autumn has been deepening and the first chill and frost has come down to the City of London, it’s the time of the year where we share warmth with people in need. So, as we did last year, we took part in the fantastic WrapUp London, coat donation campaign.

In November, employees are invited to go through their wardrobe and bring winter coats they no longer wear and want to donate.

This year’s result was thrilling! We collected about 60 coats, including many children’s and babies’ coats, double last year’s number!


On the day of the donation, we marvelled at the piles of donated coats, packed them into bags and carried them to the drop-off point.



The coats donated to WrapUp London go to homeless shelters, refugee centres, organisations supporting the elderly, women’s refuges, children’s centres and other charities, such as helping people fleeing domestic violence.


Thank you to WrapUp London for giving us an opportunity to share warmth with our wider communities and thank you to our colleagues for donating their pre-loved coats!


Charities, Wellbeing and Social Working Group