


トップ  > 香港支店  > Night Safari at Mai Po Nature Reserve: A Memorable Adventure with SMTHK and WWF!

Hello, everyone! This is Rio from Sumitomo Mitsui Trust (Hong Kong) Limited (SMTHK).

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF)’s conservation endeavors play a vital role in safeguarding Hong Kong’s invaluable biodiversity. On July 26, 2024, we assembled at Mai Po Nature Reserve, eager to explore the marvels of this distinctive ecosystem at night.


Exploring Nature with our senses


Despite the stormy weather, our senses heightened as we explored hidden corners, engaging all our senses—sight, hearing, smell, and touch—Discovering the rain-soaked landscape came alive with the calls of nocturnal birds, bats and allows us to truly connect with nature from fireflies and snake.

As real adventurers, we had the chance to use specialized tools. Armed with bat detectors, we listened for the ultrasonic calls of these elusive creatures. It was a rare opportunity to connect with nature on a deeper level.



Environmental Awareness and Conservation Efforts


Our Night Safari left us with lasting memories and a renewed appreciation for Hong Kong’s natural heritage. However, the development of Mai Po and its surroundings poses a critical challenge.  As SMTHK, we’re committed to conservation and raising awareness about environmental protection.

Stay informed about development news and its effects on wetlands, wildlife, and ecosystems. By thinking globally (considering climate change and resource use) and acting locally (making conscious choices), we contribute to preserving our environment. Encourage family and friends to explore nature—together, we can make a difference!