

ロンドン支店では、SDGs 目標達成に向けて支店職員がアイディアを出し合って様々な活動に取り組んでおります。
The London Branch are excited to share our activities initiated by our Branch members as we endeavour to achieve SDGs targets.

トップ  > ロンドン支店  > Back to Corporate Volunteering at Stepney City Farm!

Hello from London!

On 5th July, we went back to Stepney City Farm, a working farm in the heart of heavily built-up area of London, to give out time to do some community work.

The day started with a tour of the site and greeting the animals, led by our host, Georgia.


The farm was founded on a desolate site heavily bombed in World War II. We can see the ruin from the bombs.

There are a lot to explore in 1.8ha site; animal barns, chicken fields, rabbit sheds, zen den, wildlife pond, forest garden, vegetable allotments, a farm café, a classroom space and artist studios. As well as being a working farm to sell fresh produce, it provides local residents and their children valuable opportunities to learn about animals, farming and growing fruits and vegetables.

Lush vegetable patches

Time to start work! We are heading to the allotment area to do weeding.




Talking to a local artist at the farm.



Georgia shares with us what working at the city farm is like.  While we do this, we see a stream of families and their babies passing by. We can tell the farm is very welcoming and well-loved by the local families.


Then, back to work in the afternoon.




The afternoon work involved cleaning animal’s sleeping space. This means dealing with lots and lots of poos!



No job, too small….  our General Manager, Takeyama san  is working away. One of the ducks is admiring his thorough work picking up tiny goats’ poos.



The poos as well as organic rubbish from the farm café are being circulated at the site. They are composted to become part of the soil to grow vegetables at the farm.


It was great to spend time with colleagues who we hardly see at the office or only over Zoom.




Feeding time! Highlight of the day for the animals.


Thank you, Stepney City Farm for giving us a rewarding opportunity to learn about the farm, to give our time to the local communities and connect with them and also with our colleagues.


See you again!