ニューヨーク支店は、ニューヨークで活動する日系企業としてSDGs目標達成に向けて取り組みます。記事は英語で記載します。 The NY Branch is engaged to achieve the SDGs goals as a Japanese company in the US. The post will be in English.
ニューヨーク支店は、ニューヨークで活動する日系企業としてSDGs目標達成に向けて取り組みます。記事は英語で記載します。 The NY Branch is engaged to achieve the SDGs goals as a Japanese company in the US. The post will be in English.
Hi, I’m Morgan from NY branch.
On Wednesday May 17th Mr. Atsushi Ueda hosted an event that provided employees with a chance to make a difference by building coding computers that were donated to the students of KIPP NYC.
Many young students do not have the resources to explore STEM fields, leaving them a step behind their more economically advantaged peers. KIPP NYC Schools offer students a STEM program that readies them for the future of higher education and successful careers in in-demand fields. 50 employees participated to build 10 coding computers that will make a direct impact in the lives of students.
Our commitment to the advancement of our youth’s education is both a reflection of our desire to be a good corporate citizen, as well as our drive to see children with equal opportunity to excel, regardless of economic standing. Thank you to KIPP NYC Schools, Impact 4 good, and all of our employees who gave up their time to participate!