

ニューヨーク支店は、ニューヨークで活動する日系企業としてSDGs目標達成に向けて取り組みます。記事は英語で記載します。 The NY Branch is engaged to achieve the SDGs goals as a Japanese company in the US. The post will be in English.

トップ  > ニューヨーク支店  > Burnout Prevention

Hi, this is Morgan from the Americas Division in New York.

To encourage mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing, the Americas Division hosted a Burnout Prevention Hour to provide staff the opportunity to take a break during their workday with a treat. On September 12th,  


2023, Employees were able to enjoy Donuts and coffee from Dough. We offered fall fun flavors like Cinnamon Sugan, Blueberry Lemon, and Nutella filled. Over 60 employees enjoyed the opportunity to interact with their co-workers and enjoy a treat!
