ニューヨーク支店は、ニューヨークで活動する日系企業としてSDGs目標達成に向けて取り組みます。記事は英語で記載します。 The NY Branch is engaged to achieve the SDGs goals as a Japanese company in the US. The post will be in English.
ニューヨーク支店は、ニューヨークで活動する日系企業としてSDGs目標達成に向けて取り組みます。記事は英語で記載します。 The NY Branch is engaged to achieve the SDGs goals as a Japanese company in the US. The post will be in English.
On Thursday, February 8th Mr. Atsushi Ueda, General Manager of the Americas Division, hosted an offsite SDG event at the City Harvest Cohen Community Food Rescue Center.
At this event volunteers set out to pack bulk food donations into smaller, family-sized portions that can be easily distributed to soup kitchens and food pantries throughout the five boroughs.
The event began with an informative speech from Olivia McMahon, Senior Manager for Volunteer Programs for City Harvest. She provided employees with information about the organization and the impact their time and efforts would make for those who received the donations. Our employees then got to work!
Employees condensed large crates filled with hundreds of apples into smaller portion bags to be easily distributed to City Harvest’s Mobile Markets.
42 employees attended the event and packed 4,165 bags of apples, which equates to 41,650 apples going to our neighbors in need!
Employees condensed large crates filled with hundreds of apples into smaller portion bags to be easily distributed to City Harvest’s Mobile Markets.
42 employees attended the event and packed 4,165 bags of apples, which equates to 41,650 apples going to our neighbors in need!