


トップ  > 香港支店  > New screensaver roll-out as a summary of FY2022 SVWC

Hello! This is Morris Ho from Hong Kong Branch, Head of Social Value and Well-being Committee (SVWC).

FY2022 is a memorable year of us as we successfully enhanced our organization and activities of the committee with the newly added element “Well-being”, and reformed Social Value Committee (SVC) into SVWC. Throughout the year, we have organized more than 20 activities, including both SDGs events and Well-being activities and well achieved the targeted milestones that we set in the beginning of the year.

As a summary of FY2022, our committee member, Soni Wong, have designed a new slide of screensaver and launched this week. It is a photo album consist of 16 snap photos taken during the activities in the past year, with a four-color background (which is the color tone of SMTB logo), representing the unlimited support from our Branch Management on SVWC.


Starting from January 2023, various kinds of social distancing measures have been relaxed in Hong Kong. We all look forward to some new trials on different types of SDGs and Well-being activities in FY2023.